The question of earning a particular amount for a mortgage is not something that comes with a precise answer.  A bunch of factors work behind the screen to facilitate the attainment of funds through the mortgage. You really cannot stick to only one thing when conditions are interrelated.

Here is an insight on how situations work to find a response to the question of earning capacity for a mortgage.

Your deposit decides the money you need to earn

We all are sufficiently aware of the role of the deposit money in the mortgage. The minimum amount required is 5% of the total property value. However, if you increase the limit and provide 10% or 20%, or more, obviously your loan amount will reduce.

According to the reduced amount limit, your strain on attaining a particular monthly income decreases. If your current income cannot afford to bear a certain expectation of the lender on the part of income, give a significant deposit. This tactic naturally nullifies the performance pressure on your earning capacity.

Mortgage cannot be more than a certain percentage of your income

According to the general rule, a mortgage cannot be more than 28% to 30% of your income. It means that you have to earn to bear up to that limit. For that, the total monthly salary should be an amount that leaves ample space for the mortgage.

Debt-to-income ratio is a unique factor that works decisively in this situation. The idol ratio (as you know perhaps) is 60:40 or 70:30. A level lowers than this is not much promising and can suffocate the chances of mortgage approval.

Credit score performance leaves an influence

Mortgage affordability is an impressionable thing as every small and big factor affects it hugely. When it is about credit score performance, nothing can remain unaffected.

According to your credit score, the earning requirement changes. If you have a good credit rating, you can get a more substantial mortgage amount despite a ‘not so good’ income. However, if the credit rating is bad or poor, you need to show a high size income.

Most of the poor credit score people take professional help from a broker to clear the uncertainty on every part. They can help find an answer on how to get a mortgage with bad credit but good income.  The broking companies are perfect in calculations and can tell you the exact earning amount to qualify for the mortgage.

Your equity is also a significant factor

The applicants with a considerable equity amount do not need substantial earning. They can quickly get property loans with no or less hassle. However, to bring this factor under consideration, the applicant must use the equity.

Bigger equity size, downsize the requirement on the amount of money that you need to earn. They always have better chances of approval with a happy ending of the desired amount at the time of fund disbursement.


The above aspects are unavoidable and always affect the final amount that you need to earn for a mortgage. However, do not forget that there are other factors too that are necessary to take you to the finishing line. For example, – the credit employment stability in the overall career, the duration of existence in the current company.

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